Manila – The Landbank of the Philippines (LandBank) announced that customers opening up new accounts will be automaticall granted cardless access and will also be enrolled in the LandBank iAccess and Mobile Banking App (MBA) as part of a transition to all-digital services.
According to LandBank, new account holders will benefit from having convenient access to digital banking services, including interbank transactions via InstaPay and PESOnet.
All LandBank ATMs nationwide have been upgraded with the cardless withdrawal feature and cardless account holders can use the MBA to access their accounts and withdraw cash from the 2,889 LBP ATMs.
Cardless cash deposits will likewise be available via 231 cash deposit machines nationwide.
LandBank gave assurances that it would maintain the highest level of security in all systems but also reminded clients to remain vigilant against online banking fraud and scams.
The bank advised clients to transact business only through its official website at and use the available links to access digital banking channels which includes the official iAccess site,
For customers who still opts for a physical ATM card, a fee of ₱150 will be collected.