THE Office of the City Prosecutor in Pasay City has filed charges against Freezle Mae Balondo y Ricanor, who was apprehended by the National Bureau of Investigation – Human Trafficking Division (NBI-HTRAD) on October 12, 2024. Balondo faces multiple charges including attempted trafficking in persons in connection with a syndicate operating a surrogacy-for-profit scheme.
The charges fall under Section 4(A) of Republic Act 9208, also known as the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, as amended by Republic Act 10364 and further amended by Republic Act 11862. Balondo is also charged under Republic Act No. 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 for allegedly facilitating online recruitment of surrogate mothers. Authorities allege that she was involved in recruiting and arranging the transportation of two (2) women to Thailand who were intercepted and offloaded by the Bureau of Immigration – Immigration, Protection, and Border Enforcement Section (I-PROBES). The I-PROBES subsequently reffered the case to the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking – NAIA Task Force Against Trafficking (IACAT-NAIATFAT), which endorsed it to the NBI-HTRAD for investigation.
Investigators are also pursuing leads on Joyce Mlang, who allegedly posted online advertisements for surrogate mothers offering financial compensation ranging from 8,000 to 10,000 USD, and Wensen Shen, reportedly linked to ML&MLANG International Surrogacy, who remains under investigation for suspected involvement in the scheme.
This case highlights the government’s continued commitment to combating trafficking in all forms, including the exploitation of women through surrogacy arrangements. Further inquiries are ongoing, and Balondo remains in custody.